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Ha oui, celle qui a "porté plainte" contre une jeune femme de 19 ans qui avait réclamé dans sa pancarte que les OQTF soient expulsés(donc qui a réclamé que la loi soit appliquée). C'est pas "ce que je ...

L'Ombre Jaune a écrit:Quand dans la "vraie vie" de Corbulon, il s'avère que certaines jeunes filles en jupes (mini ou pas, on s'en fout) ne peuvent de facto plus se promener dans certains quartiers sa ...

Since the Raspberry Pi 2 was released, everyone building RetroPi emulators has been graced with four USB ports. For those of us doing useful stuff with the Pi, those ports are a little anemic: you ...

La fin de la saga va connaître une évolution de gameplay significative qui va tout chambouler. PS5 PS4 Xbox Series X / S Xbox One PC Il y a 12 heures13/04 par Alexandre S. MAJ PlayStation Plus ...

These diagrams show the usage statistics of PHP as server-side programming language on the web. See technologies overview for explanations on the methodologies used in the surveys. Our reports are ...

Released in January 1963, The Beatles’ ‘Please Please Me,’ was a transatlantic smash hit, but not quite as successful as many people now imagine. It’s one of those questions to which ...

Learn more today. If you plan to visit the Philippines in the near future, you may want to convert USD to PHP. While most big Philippine cities have a high level of credit card acceptance ...

What makes developing a microcontroller project quick and easy? Tops on our list are an interactive shell and comprehensive libraries that handle all the low-level peripheral stuff. You think we ...

Welcome to remote, part-time, freelance, and flexible php jobs! PHP professionals use the PHP scripting language to develop websites and web applications. They create dynamic web page content, manage ... | Bitcoin | Bank

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